Perkins Township Services Facility
Sandusky, Ohio
Phase I Highway Dept. Renovation
Phase II Police & Administrative New Building
SCOPE: This project was to renovate 14,663 s.f. of highway dept. shop & maintenance areas, 315 s.f. loading dock addition for highway, 1,750 s.f. highway office renovation, 2,340 s.f. police renovation and 13,040 s.f. new building for police & administration. Project was completed in phases to allow the township to occupy highway department followed by police & administration. Extensive studies and budgets were developed to minimize the cost to local residences yet providing the township with a campus that meets their current and future needs. New program included offices, training room, conference rooms, general storage, multi-purpose room, cold storage, heated storage, evidence storage, holding rooms, processing rooms and workstations. New mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire suppression, alarm, technology, security, and communication systems compatible with existing systems. State of the art technology, equipment and design were incorporated throughout to enhance staff’s working environment, functionality, and durability for long term impact on the township. Previously the township had offices and garages at multiple facilities throughout the county - this new complex places all the departments in close proximity to each other on one campus.
Project Gallery